
What Are You Saving For?

Savings Accounts

Why Save? That's what we ask ourselves when trying to choose a savings account product.  At Cross County Savings Bank, we offer savings products that correspond to your needs. With Passbook, Statement and Holiday Club accounts, the answers to your question will be clear.

Model Safe Statement Savings1,3,5

Minimum Opening Deposit $1.00
Interest Bearing Account Yes
Minimum Balance to Obtain Annual Percentage Yield (APY) $1.00
Online Banking Yes
Direct Deposit Yes
Mobile Banking Yes
Maximum Covered Transactions per statement cycle4 6

Passbook Savings1,2,5

Minimum Opening Deposit $500.00
Interest Bearing Account Yes
Minimum Balance to Obtain Annual Percentage Yield (APY) $1.00
Maintenance Service Charge (If balance falls below $500.00) $5.00
Online Banking2 Yes
Direct Deposit Yes
Mobile Banking2 Yes

Statement Savings1,3,5

Minimum Opening Deposit $300.00
Interest Bearing Account Yes
Minimum Balance to Obtain Annual Percentage Yield (APY) $1.00
Maintenance Service Charge (If balance falls below $300.00) $5.00
Online Banking Yes
Direct Deposit Yes
Mobile Banking Yes
Maximum Covered Transactions per statement cycle3 6

Stepping Stone Savings1,2,5

A Passbook Account for Children up to 18 years old.  
Minimum Opening Deposit $1.00
Interest Bearing Account Yes
Minimum Balance to Obtain Annual Percentage Yield (APY) $1.00
Online Banking2 Yes
Mobile Banking2 Yes

Holiday Club1,2,4,5

Passbook or Statement options available  
Minimum Opening Deposit $10.00
Interest Bearing Account Yes
Minimum Balance to Obtain Annual Percentage Yield (APY) $10.00
Online Banking2 Yes
Mobile Banking2 Yes
Pre-Authorized funding from another CCSB Account Yes
Holiday Club Payout Method Options4 Yes

Visit a local branch today for a comprehensive evaluation to determine which accounts are right for you.
Current Rates

1. Additional terms & conditions apply.  Please see Account Terms & Conditions for more information.  Rates, terms and fees are subject to change at any time.  Other terms, conditions, and restrictions may apply.  
2. You may not make any transfers from this account to another account of yours or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, or computer transfer or similar order to third parties. 
3. The term "Covered Transactions" includes: Preauthorized transfers from your savings account. Telephone transfers or other electronic transmissions from your savings account. Online banking transfers or bill payment transfers from your savings account. Transfers by check, draft, or debit/ATM card, if allowed on your savings account.
4. At account opening, customers will have the option to elect to have a check sent to the last known address on file for the full amount of the account or have the funds directly deposited into a Cross County Savings Bank checking or savings account. If no option is selected, a check will be mailed to the account owner.
5.  Fees may reduce earnings.