
Business Remote Deposit Capture (RDC)

Enjoy the convenience of fewer trips to the bank, no deposit slips, and no waiting in line with Cross County Savings Bank's Business RDC1.

It's a simple, fast and secure program that allows every business to deposit checks electronically without having to come to the bank.  All you need is either a:

(1) RDC Scanner2, along with a personal computer with internet access3; or

(2) Fax Machine4.  

Place the checks through the scanner or fax and watch each paper check convert into an electronic deposit into your bank account.  

Contact Cross County Savings Bank at (718) 326-6300 for more information and to apply today!

Launch Business RDC

1. Business RDC Services require the submission of an application and a Business RDC Agreement, which are subject to bank approval. Monthly RDC Service Charges may apply. See Business RDC Agreement and Business Checking Account Disclosures for terms, restrictions and conditions governing Business RDC Services, including, without limitation, restrictions on the processing of certain check types and amounts. The use of Business RDC Services may be suspended or terminated by Cross County Savings Bank ("Bank") in certain circumstances. Other terms, conditions and restrictions may apply.
2. Customer may supply its own RDC Scanner or request that Bank supply an RDC Scanner for use with Business RDC Services. RDC Scanner Service Charges may apply if Bank supplies customer with an RDC Scanner. Certain RDC Scanners may require that the customer purchase a software license to access Business RDC Services. Other terms, conditions and restrictions may apply.
3. Customer must supply a personal computer with internet access that meets the minimum system requirements for Business RDC Services. Internet charges may apply and are the sole responsibility of the customer.
4. Customer must supply a Fax Machine with access to a telephone line. Telephone rates and/or charges may apply and are the sole responsibility of the customer.