Consumer Fee Schedule as of September 1, 2023

Fee Table
Type Fee
Abandoned (Unclaimed) Property
Abandoned Property Handling Fee (per account) $25.00
Abandoned Property Publication Fee (per account) Varies
Cost for postage & certified mail as required by law will be
passed to each applicable account
Reclamation of Escheated Funds (per account) $30.00
Account Maintenance Service Charge1
Unless stated otherwise, fees are assessed monthly
Interest Checking $3.00
Money Market $10.00
Passbook Savings $5.00
Preferred Checking $5.00
Savings Withdrawal Limit Fee (per item) $10.00
Statement Savings $5.00
Account Services
Account Reconciliation Fee (per hour) $25.00
Account Transcripts Fee (per hour) $25.00
Account Verification Letter $5.00
Account Closed within Six Months $25.00
Amendment of Existing Account $12.00
Consular/Immigration Reference Letter $25.00
Copy of Negotiable Item $18.00
Duplicate Tax Form (per copy) $10.00
Lost Passbook Fee $10.00
No Book Withdrawal $10.00
Photocopy of Check Fee (per item) $10.00
Photocopy of Transaction Slip (per item) $10.00
Record Research Fee (per hour) $30.00
Returned Check Charge (per item) $10.00
Returned Loan Payment (per item) $20.00
Returned Mail Handling Fee (per item) $10.00
Statement Print Service Charge (per statement) $10.00
Stop Payment Fee (per item) $30.00
Card Services
ATM/Debit Card Replacement $10.00
Foreign Transaction Fee Up to 2%
of Amount
Non-Network ATM Fee* (per transaction) $2.50
POS Pin Fee (per transaction) $1.00
Legal Processing Fee $125.00
Trust Account Setup Fee $100.00
Cash Exchange Fee (over $500.00) $10.00
Coin Machine Fee (depositor) NO CHARGE
Coin Machine Fee (non-depositor) 10% of Amount
Collection of Foreign Item Fee $55.00
Medallion Guarantee $15.00
Money Order (depositor) $5.00
Money Order (non-depositor) $10.00
Notary Public (depositor) NO CHARGE
Notary Public (non-depositor) $2.00
On-Us Check Cashed (depositor) NO CHARGE
On-Us Check Cashed (non-depositor) $10.00
Telephone/Fax Transfer Request $12.00
Tellers Checks (under $1,000.00) $10.00
Overdraft Services
Insufficient Funds Charge (per item, per presentment2) $35.00
Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee (per transfer) $12.00
Premium OD Fee (per item paid) $35.00
Uncollected Funds Charge (per item, per presentment2) $35.00
Safe Deposit
Safe Deposit Box Breakopen  $200.00
Safe Deposit Box Rental Fee (by box size) Varies
Safe Deposit Box Late Payment Fee $15.00
Safe Deposit Box Lost Key Fee $25.00
Wire Transfer Fees
Domestic Incoming Wire $15.00
Domestic Outgoing Wire $40.00
Foreign Incoming Wire $15.00
Foreign Outgoing Wire $45.00

* Statement reflects daily aggregate fee(s) 
Fees are subject to change.

Fee descriptions may display on a statement transaction history or passbook printout in an abbreviated fashion or may be truncated.
1Please refer to All About Your Account(s) - Terms & Disclosures to determine if this fee can be avoided.
2The Insufficient Funds Charge and Uncollected Funds Charge is assessed on a per item, per presentment basis. Therefore, a single item presented more than once may have a fee assessed each time presented.