
Text Banking

No smartphone, no problem

Text message banking from Cross County Savings Bank is a quick and easy way to get information whenever you need it. Unlike the Cross County Mobile Application, checking your balance, viewing your activity or transferring funds are just a text message away. Just text one of our simple commands to '454545'* and you'll receive a reply within seconds with the requested info. Get started today by logging into your online banking profile, clicking Additional Services, Mobile Banking & Alerts. Click 'Start text banking now' and follow the prompts to set up this convenient service.

A list of inquiries you can search for are:

BAL Primary Account Balance
BAL ALL Balance for All Accounts
BAL CHK Checking Account Balances
BAL SAV Saving Account Balances
LAST Transaction History
TRANS (Amount) Transfer Funds, ex: TRANS 200
STOP To Cancel Service
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*Standard text messaging rates apply. Must have a Cross County Savings Bank Online Banking profile.